The Vital Multiplexer is an application using this secure communications capability to collect multiple I/O signals from one location, compress and send securely to another, and re-expanded the discrete Outputs. Hundreds of I/O points can be read by a Vital RIO board(s) and sent securely in both directions simultaneously over a single or redundant communications channel.
The system can replace pole lines or long multi-conductor cables onto a wireless media or a fiber optic line. In applications where long cable runs directly under the centenary line, high voltage pickup is induced in the4 cables which causes malfunctions. The copper lines should be replaced with fiber optic lines which are immune to such induced voltages.
The Multiplexer runs on the SilverFox, SilverHawk or a Euro-rack form factor controller platform that includes the Lantronix EDGE for the most secure Ethernet networking possible. . Security is a top priority for Railway applications, so you can be assured that this is implemented in a military-style protocol.
We use the SilverHawk controller as an end-point to control machines or signals or as a gateway to other railway devices. The controller includes a web server to host up to 40 pages of the customers HTML pages. This allows users to access the SilverHawk with a standard web browser to read non-vital system status information.
The Vital Multiplexer is a SafeNet Function Block application program, so the functionality can be changed based on user requirements. For example, alarms and signals can be added to detect fault conditions locally or at the remote end.